How to hook the Entity Reference field settings (Views Entity Reference) on Edit Entity form before Views is executed?

I can't find the right hook to override the Entity Reference field settings on Edit Entity form, using Views Entity Reference, regarding to Views arguments, before the Views is executed for loading available items. Can anybody suggest me the right method?

As example on Default Drupal setup, on "Basic page" node I have the "Select list" entity reference to "Article" Node (which have "Tags" field), and have configured in it the Entity Reference Views that filter articles, with a single argument (Tags id = 1), like this:

Converting theme() in Drupal 8

Hi Guys, 

I'm trying to convert this drupal 7 theme() function in Drupal 8.

How can I achieve this thing ? 

Please help me I'm struggling with this. 

Content type sensitive text formats

On yoursite/admin/config/content/formats (D 9.3.5) you define the order of your text formats and editors. In my case, it is like this:
1) php
2) plain text
3) basic html

So, when I add new text, the text format automatically selected is "php", no matter what content type. Yet, depending on the content type, it makes more sense to have a different text format on top. Is there a way to do this? For instance, the content type "biography" could have "basic html" on top, whereas the content type "code_snippet" could have text format PHP on top.

Converting Drupal 7 theme to Drupal 8

Hi guys,

I'm Converting Drupal 7 theme to Drupal 8 and in D7 I'm using my_theme_checkbox($variables) function for checkbox alteration but this function is not working in D8. 

Anyone please suggest me an alternative.

Migratin Drupal 8

I've to migrate Drupal 8 into a new server.

Files and DB moved.

I can not set the web folder as root from server, so I created an htaccess in the root folder:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /web/$1 [L]

The home page is loaded, with some JS error in console, e icons not loaded.
If I try to navigate the site I've 404, if I try to open the login page it redirects to home page.

I've also clear the cache table and set

$settings['rebuild_access'] = TRUE;

in settings.php

How do I center the map on the GPX track ?

I created a Track content type with a Geolocation GPX File field. I imported a GPX file.

When I visualize the node, the map displays the ocean. The settings in Manage the display don't allow to center the map on the track.

How do I center the map on the GPX track ?


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