How to include taxonomy entity reference in product twig?


I have a product type called phyical product

I have created a taxonomy called product brand

in product--physical.html.twig I have {{ product.body }} {{ product.variations }}, etc. which render.

I try to load the taxonomy

{% for item in product.product_brand %}

{% set title = item.entity.label %}
  <div class="title-wrap">{{ title }}</div>

{% endfor %}

It doesnt work.

Have tried other variations.

What is perfect maintenance?

Business analysis is the first thing to start work with a client. Business analysis – is a set of methods that help to understand the structure and features of the client's company, determine its needs, and offer solutions to the problem. In the process of business analysis, we can find the optimal solution, prepares requirements for it, evaluate which functionality is most important for the customer, and draw up and agree on documentation for developers. This usually works with big sites or applications.

Social Networking

Hosting Platform


Working on big sites requires the involvement of many specialists working in different environments. That's a lot of people, including professional architects, developers, managers, and QA. For these people to interact, develop, and improve the structure of a site (or even several sites at the same time), a Hosting Platform is needed.

Some companies choose to outsource hosting, but for some, it is possible to develop their self-maintained, which will add flexibility, and independence from outsourcing companies.

Social Networking

SAML & SCIM Implementation for SHA

Established in 1973, the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit operates worldwide, helping people affected by conflict and fortified violence and promoting the laws that shield victims of war. The SHA is an unbiased, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of wars and crises. Its specialists are deployed to implement projects of the SDC or its UN partners before, during and after periods of crisis or conflict.


Add Custom View Fields on View Pre Render Hook

Hello! Is it possible to add custom fields to a view in the pre-render hook. I'm looking at the ViewExecutable API and nothing is standing out to me.


How can I convert ?

Hi Guys,

How can I convert this Drupal 7 code of line into Drupal 8:

drupal_add_js(array('resellerId' => $Reseller->id), 'setting');

So that I can use this resellerId in js as:

var reId = Drupal.settings.resellerId;

Please help.

Thanks for advance.


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