
Hello Everyone!

I would create a new website using drupal 8 with various articles and descriptions. Posts for these could also be sent by visitors there as comments. That's all it would be, no extra features and its just a hobby website. What do I need in this case to meet the GDPR requirements?

Thanks for the help!

How do I flag the update store automatically ?

I created a flag to flag the stores. I want when a user updates a store, the store is automatically flagged. The code below does not work and there is no error message.

I don't want to use the Rules module.

How do I flag the update store automatically ?

Webform 8: Any way to prevent urls in form fields?

Was looking around the interface to figure this out.   Is there any way to prevent URLs in the form fields and prevent submission of the forms?   Was looking to check for "http" and "http"s in the string.

There's seems like a way to check for a pattern in the string... but it's the reverse, the string needs to be there.

I am on Drupal 8.9.1.

Webform is Version: 8.x-5.16

Adding content between body and comment

Hi there,

I'm trying to add some content between the node content and the comment section.

I use a custom theme based on Classy.

The node.html.twig template in the Classy theme contains this section:

  <div{{ content_attributes.addClass('node__content') }}>
    {{ content }}

The content placeholder gives out both the body content and the comment section.

How would i seperate these two, so i can place other content (exaple: block) between the body content and the comment section?

I appreciate any help with this.

Updating Core-Recommended with Composer, best practice?

I'm a Drupal novice and have been playing around with it for the last few months. It seems like every 'how-to' article tells you a different way and a reason not to do it the other way.

I am a sysadmin for some developers and don't plan on getting too far in over my head but want to successfully support Drupal with Core and Module updates as needed for security.

I set up some Drupal instances on a test vm and have some questions here with my guesses on the answers and would appreciate confirmation and perhaps a little guidance.

Can't create content. Receive 505 error code

Hi, never had this happen before. Create Cpanel, MySQL and then I use softaculous to install drupal 9 and then tried 8.7. Things seem to work fine. Click content  create content and get 505 error code. Anybody have an ideas what is wrong. 


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