History Today

Desktop, Macbook, tablet and iPhone showing pages from History Today’s Website

Axis12 migrated the content-rich History Today website from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 to take advantage of the powerful new features available. 


Distribution Opigno LMS

Buen día compañeros,

Tengo un sitio ya en Drupal 8 y el cliente quiere un LMS (e-learning) en este, encontré una distribución que se llama "Opigno LMS", todo funciona muy bien, pero ya tengo nodos, taxonomías y demás en el sitio actual, ¿Cómo me recomiendan hacer el paso de esta información a Opigno?.

De antemano, le doy gracias a quien me pueda dar alguna sugerencia o guía y me disculpo si el tema no va en esta seccion.

Muchas gracias.


Translation with Google, sorry, my English is not good

Drupal 8 php filter


How can I print/display the uid/username of the current user in drupal 8? I would have got this in drupal 7 as below:

<?php global $user; ?>
<?php if ($user->uid) : ?>
<?php print ($user->name); ?>
<?php print ($user->uid); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Many thanks

How to display the rendered entity of a store in a code ?

I created a custom module for Drupal 8 and Drupal Commerce. It is used to display a link "Accept the conditions of sale" in the purchase funnel during an order.

This link displays a modal window with the rendering of a page.

I have created a "terms and conditions" display mode in my store types. I want the link to show the store's rendered "terms and conditions" entity in a modal window.

So I want to make the entity store instead of showing a page in the modal link.

How to do this ?

Here is my code :

Updating core with composer leads to differing results

I have several drupal installations with identical core-recommended in composer.json

"drupal/core-recommended": "^8.8",

Core ist updated with:

composer update drupal/core-recommended --with-dependencies

Some pages get updated to 8.9.6, others 'only' to 8.8.10.

Best approach to have this form embeded in a content type

I want to embed a form into a content type where the field values in the form (attached to the respective nodes will be) will be:

1) compared to the values in the nodes of a separate content type.

2) used in Views to generate specific views pages.

Based on these two bulle points I am wary of using paragraph as my search indicates paragraph fields are either not accessible in Views or difficult to access. The other option I see is use Webforms but I'm how the data is stored and how accessible the webform fields values are to the Views module.


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