Get entities (paragraphs and their parent) refering TO my current node in twig a node.tpl

I have several referinces to my node from entity reference fields inside paragraphs on other nodes (other CT also) and I'm looking for a way to get ALL entities refering TO my current node in twig. Everything I can find online, seems to deal with getting referenced entities FROM the current node.

Control if node exist (D8)

I am doing tests to check, in the submit phase, if the node I am inserting is already present or not. The control can be on one or more fields.
I don't know if the solution I wrote is right or not. I tried with the title field and it works, it seems to work also with the entity reference (field_livello), it doesn't work for me with the data field and I didn't understand how to do it.

Here is the code in form_alter
   $form['#validate'][] = 'liveContra_validate';

Superfish: Fixing down triangle and semi-transparent menu

I installed Superfish version 8.x-1.4 in order to have megamenus. The site is currently running Bartik with no theme adjustments. The JS works great and there are a tons of settings. However, my menus look like this:


I don't like the down triangle (indicated that the menu item is expandable) superimposed on the text. I want it to appear after the text.

Slide show with multiple content

Hi drupal newbie here, can i get suggestion on how I can integrate this to our website :

What is hook use to get all HTML content from module?

I search to use a hook to get all HTML content to replace certain occurrences on code.

I want use `DOMDocument()` to modify some elements.

My actual hook but I can't get all page HTML...

Contact form with url from page it was sent

Hello, how to create custom contact form "ask about this product", and when email comes, it shows that url, from wich it was sent?

Thank you


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