Hide link to taxonomy page ?


I'm relatively new to the Drupal environment and trying to develop a website for a while.

Here's my problem.

I have created a taxonomy vocabulary with a few terms. Each term has a description (just an image).

These terms are selected in a specific content. 

I want to display in that specific content a field integrating a view conditionned by one of these terms only showing the description according to the term selected.  

Transforming Holool Aloula Platform to a Drupal Digital Experience

Holool Aloula

Holool Aloula is a leading company in the business services field including logistics, information technology solutions, and training and consultancy services.

Holool Aloula is a subsidiary of Mobily.


validate cellphone number in webform

Hi dears
I wanted to create a form for digital signature collection
In this way, the visitor enters his name and surname and mobile number in the different fields of form
And the mobile number is validated by sending a message to the same number and the visitor must enter that number in the specific field

I use Drupal 8 and "webform" and "Smsframework" for SMS

I needed your help to connect the SMSframework to the webform (For SMS validation part)

thank u

Contact forms not appearing

I created a Drupal website with a temporary address. 
In this site i had two blocks with contact forms inside, appearing in two specific pages. It all worked fine. 
Then i did two things, and I dont know what caused the problem. I upgraded to 8.9.13 from the previous 8.xx and then changed to my actual domain i will be using. Now the blocks with the contact forms do not appear. 

Custom forms are there as i created them. 
Custom Blocks are still placed, nothing changed there.

The method i used was:

NGINX 1.18 compatibility with Drupal Core 8.7.12 Sites

Hi there,
We are planning a NGINX upgrade on our production machines which is hosting a Drupal site.
Before just wanted to check and confirm compatibility of NGINX 1.18 or >NGINX 1.18 versions with current components of our application.

Components currently being used-

Drupal Core- 8.7.12
Web Server- NGINX 1.16.1
Database Version- 5.5.5-10.4.11-MariaDB. System MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Server, or equivalent
Operating System- Linux, NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server", VERSION="7.7 (Maipo)"

Why is the detection of translation strings unstable?

After installing the contributed module, the detection of translation strings is unstable when translating with interface translation.
I can't find the translation string.

I have confirmed that the string is there in localize.drupal.org, also manually update the translation files.
Sometimes I can't figure out the cause, leave it for a few days, and then it is detected when I forget about it.
Also, there are times when you can't detect and find it even after waiting for a while.


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