Aggregator module pulls in news feed items, but the links are invalid

Hi! I'm having some issues getting the Aggregator module to work for what I need. Here's the RSS feed I'm using:

Long story short, I need to get the headline and URL of each news story (so the <title> and <link> values in the RSS feed). Then save that into Drupal. 

How to use 'field_image' from 'Content type' in a TWIG template (e.g Branding Region)

I try to use the image that should be available for each node of a particular Content Type. In the content type I have added a field_image (system name) with label "Branding Region Backgound". I have made a template file "block--system-branding-block.html.twig" which works fine. But ... how to get the image that is defined / uploaded for each content page of this particular Content Type?

This trail {{ file_url(node.field_image.entity.fileuri) }}  is not working.

Developing a module that installs content type and taxonomy config

My normal approach to module development is to un-install and re-install modules as I make new changes to test to see if they are working. I have found that if a module has a config/install folder where it is installing content type and taxonomy configuration, I have to delete the content type and any nodes of that type, the vocabulary and any terms each time I go through this un-install/re-install cycle.  Is there a better way of handling this so that I don't have to keep deleting content and configuration each time I want to test a new addition to the code?

GovCMS — co-designing an online learning strategy

Screenshot of the GovCMS website page with the training video thumbnails displayed.

GovCMS and Salsa worked together to create and deliver an online learning strategy, covering open-sourcing the GovCMS manuals, moving to online instructor-led training, creating 22 videos across content admin, and upgrading the knowledge base. This enables self-service learning in the GovCMS community.


Automatic redirection on admin content page and pages are loaded 2 times


When I try to edit a node from /admin/content the path on button is something like :

If I click on the button the path is well

but after 1 second, I'm redirect to

I am not redirected locally but in my production environment. Any idea what can be wrong?
Datas are the same.

When I'm loggin, content is loaded 2 times.

If, I search a redirection I see only but js is well activated.


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