Webform: Disable "Watch video"


I'm running a drupal site using the webform module. On the results page it always appears the text:

"The Results page displays an overview of a webform's submissions. This page can be used to generate a customized report. Submissions can be reviewed, updated, flagged, annotated, and downloaded"

¿Is it possible to hide/disable this text and the video attached?




Hi all,

I'm looking for u lightbox module. I don't find one that supports Drupal 8 (for example Colorbox has installation problems). In the past we used Lightbox 2 (https://www.drupal.org/project/lightbox2).

Thank you for your help.

Best solution to encrypt files


My users will send me sensitive documents.

I would like these documents (mainly images) to be encrypted.

I found different modules (Field Encryption, Key, Encrypt...) but they are quite complex.

Do you know what is the most effective / accessible solution now?

Thanks in advance

Sitemap with multilingual

I have enabled multilingual based application which support for three languages. Currently, the sitemap.xml file generating all the contents in a single file with all the languages.

Is there any way to generate separate sitemap.xml file for each language?

How to redirect D8 to external URL?


I just installed D8, it is up & running. I would like to be able to redirect to external URL. Can someone show me how to do this or is there any module to do this?



Add Javascript and CSS to plain Symfony response

I am building a custom module. I'd like some of the pages to be undecorated HTML to avoid Drupal cacheing and other bandwidth issues.

I am using a method of outputting the string (it's a table) simply, but I'd like the opportunity to add css and maybe a little javascript.

Where and/or how might this be done?  I have some defined libraries in my routing that are working just fine in my forms.

Here is the relevant code.  There is no sign of my js or css.


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