Views Display Union

This module adds a Views display that uses a SQL UNION to combine one or more results sets with the results of a master display. This is useful when you need to logically OR two or more sets of results that have different contextual filters or use different relationships.

As an example, let's define a view using contextual filters which shows nodes that either have a title matching a user-defined value or were authored by a particular user. Begin by creating a new view, at /admin/structure/views/add:

How to split content in the overviews

After you set up targets, you need to make sure that the displayed content in overviews is properly filtered by the current target. 

For example:

The site is using two targets: Professional and Private

Views Mobile

Mobile view is not being displayed?

If you tried to follow the USAGE section at project's page and something went wrong.



Clone the display of the view (page, block), not the whole View.

Change the machine name of the just cloned display - under the Advanced options (by default: [original name]_1)

Views Mobile (Português)

O display da view para mobile não está sendo exibido?

Se você seguiu a seção USAGE da página do projeto e algo deu errado.



Clone o display da view (page, block), não a View completa.

Troque o machine name do display que acaba de ser clonado - na área de Opções Avançadas (por padrão: [nome original]_1)

How to display a Tooltip in a View

This page is an example of how to use the Tooltip module in a Drupal Views.

Calendar View

Display View results in a Calendar

Create calendar in Drupal with View. Content is displayed in a calendar table display. 

Supports multiple date fields, multi-value and date range too.

Zero external dependencies. No JavaScript required.

📅 Enjoy your Calendar Views!


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