Module Configuration

Replicator user

It is recommended that you make use of the "Replicator" role that has been generated to do replication. To do this you can either create a new user with that role, or add that role to an existing user. You will need to do this on both of the Drupal sites.

Configuring local Relaxed settings

On both sites, under /admin/config/relaxed/settings, configure the credentials for the replicator user.

Relaxed settings


RELAXed Web Services provides two permissions: perform push replication and perform pull replication, their scope is to restrict or allow access to the endpoints defined by the module.

  • perform pull replication

This permission allow the user to get information from the endpoints using the GET and HEAD HTTP methods (if the endpoint support them). All other methods will be denied.

RELAXed Web Services

This guide provides documentation for RELAXed Web Services module.

This module provides a generic RESTful API for all content entities. It extends the core REST API with better support for translations, revisions, file attachments, UUID references etc.

Deploy for Drupal 8


  • Put the module into your modules directory as usual
  • Enable it with Drush or from UI


  • Workspace (the contrib module at the moment, after the release of Drupal 8.6.0 it will use the Workspace module from core)


Drupal to CouchDB deployment

Content to be added.

Drupal to Drupal deployment between two (or more) sites

The main use case that people think of when using the Deploy module is Drupal to Drupal deployment, when you have one Drupal site and you're deploying content to another Drupal site.


To deploy content between two different sites the RELAXed Web Services module should be enabled and configured.

Take a look here how to configure RELAXed Web Services module.


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