Theme editor: store, configure, create

The Theme Editor contributed module enables the administrator to edit the basic themes for the web site, delete a theme from the theme storage directory, rename a theme, and re-configure the storage directory.

Theme editor has a list, new, and configure tab. The list tab allows for editing, deletion, and renaming. The new tab allows for a theme to be copied to the theme storage directory for editing. The configure tab creates a sub-directory where theme files will be stored.

You can:

Privatemsg: An internal messaging System

The Privatemsg module allows users to send messages to each other without having to share their e-mail addresses. Once the module has been enabled, an inbox link will appear in the navigation menu. "Write to author" links are included in posts, allowing users to write private messages instead of commenting openly. Allowing users to communicate directly with each other is an important part of community building.

Share tables across instances (not recommended)

You can share tables between Drupal installations by setting table prefixes ($db_prefix) on only some tables but not others. One interesting application for this is to share the taxonomy tables (vocabularies, term_data). Another interesting use is to share users across Drupal installations. To share tables in Drupal, sites must be shared in the same database.


This procedure could result in unexpected results, depending on which tables you choose to share, including broken version updates and/or security holes.

Upgrades to the next version of Drupal are not supported! Be sure you have read EVERYTHING on this page, most especially the issues surrounding a major Drupal upgrade, before considering using shared tables!.

Installation how-to articles

Various special situations (e.g., installing Drupal behind a firewall, installing Drupal in a subdirectory of the webserver's document root) are discussed in this section. Information specific to particular operating systems or database platforms may be found elsewhere.

How can I change Drupal's character encoding? (UTF-8 and Unicode)

Several people have asked how to specify the character encoding that Drupal uses. The short answer is: you can't.

Drupal uses UTF-8 for encoding all its data. This is a Unicode encoding, so it can contain data in any language. You no longer need to worry about language specific encodings for your website (such as Big5, GB2312, Windows-1251 or 1256, ...). Also, when Drupal imports external XML data (such as RSS or XML-RPC), it is automatically converted into UTF-8 (iconv support for PHP will be required for most encodings).

Site Building Guide

This is the customization guide and 'how to' guide for implementing business functionality and features into your Drupal site.


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