No longer developed by its maintainers.


JSONfield lets you define CCK fields that map to array elements supplied by a searchable JSON data feed.


The evil module will try to be ran from your drush commands or Drupal bootstap code in ways you may not expect. It is designed to be used for penetration testing and debugging.

This module should generally NOT be installed on your Drupal site. It serves no other purpose than being noticed and try to nag users as much as possible. Do not enable this module unless you know what you're doing.


The idea behind this project is that while we generally assume trusted users maintain the modules on your site, unstrusted users may be able to creep through your install and deploy a module in a location that you wouldn't expect, but still that Drupal would still bootstrap and run. This module is therefore designed to be hooked into as many places as possible in Drush and Drupal bootstrap sequences so that it gets loaded any time you:

* bootstrap drupal (if the module is in sites/all/modules)
* bootstrap drush (it has a file)
* load themes (it should have a .theme file too, while we're at it)

This was designed to test shared hosting security within the Aegir project (see issue #762138: Design security issue with developer access to sites' modules and themes) but can be used by anybody.

Similar projects


The Drupal tutorials module embeds contextually relevant tutorials into your Drupal site.

Relevant Content Location

All the "similar content" modules out there find your similar contents based on Taxonomy.

Well, this one doesn't.

It finds your similar content based on the nodes' locations.

Community Directory

This distribution is designed to present a directory of communities, local centers, and national or regional facilities.

It was originally designed for Baha'i communities, but it may be useful for other organizations as well.

Probably this install profile will not be ported to Drupal 8.

Salesforce Actions


It's been seven months and I finally got my first comments about this module (in the wrong issue queue). As I am moving to a new job in 1.5 weeks, I will be losing access to Salesforce. I've also lost interest in maintaining this module if the approval process is this slow. If someone wants to pick it up, go for it.

Salesforce Actions is an add-on to the Salesforce Suite project.

This module will allow the creation of Advanced Actions to import or export Drupal objects to Salesforce.

Install this module as normal by copying the files to your modules folder in a folder called salesforce_actions.

Enable the module by going to your Modules page and enabling it.

Create a new advanced action to export Drupal items to Salesforce:

  1. Go to the actions settings page (/admin/settings/actions)
  2. Under "Make a new advanced action available" select "Export Drupal objects to Salesforce..." and press the Create button
  3. Change the description to something meaningful for this action
  4. Select a fieldmap from the pulldown list
  5. Select a minimum interval for this action (Every time, 1, 2, 4, 12 or 24 hours)
  6. Select whether to export all items or just those that are linked
  7. Select whether to export only published/active items or all items
  8. Click on Save


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