Group 8.x-1.x

Placeholder page for the Group (version 8) documentation, about anything that does not apply to the 7.x version of the Group module.

Note: refer to Additional resources for a link to a video that demonstrates how to use the Group module.

Custom entities as group content

To allow your custom entity to be added to a group, you must expose it as a GroupContentEnabler plugin.


About Display Suite in Drupal 8

[This temporary placeholder text for DS in D8 Landing Page]

The Display Suite module (DS) allows you to take full control over how your content is displayed using a drag and drop interface. Arrange your nodes, views, comments, user data etc. the way you want without having to work your way through dozens of template files.

Enabling DS allows for admin access to the main configuration screen located at /admin/structure/ds . This screen is shown below.

Media Entity

This is a explanation of getting up and running with the Media Entity module.
Note that the official documentation about the module, which is maintained and updated by the maintainers is the D8 Media Guide. The information on this page may be outdated.

New in Group 8.x-1.x

The 8.x release of the Group module uses the features available as of Drupal 8.

Much of the 7.x release of Group is still relevant for 8.x as well. This documentation page contains a summary of the major differences introduced as of release 8.x.


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