Field Layout

This module was proposed for Drupal 8.3.x and added as an experimental module.

The module is mentioned in An update on the Layout Initiative for Drupal 8.4/8.5. Drupal 8.5 also includes the related experiment module named Layout Builder that is effectively Panelizer in core

Commerce Avatax (5.x)

Connect to Avatax

After installing Commerce Avatax, configure the connection to AvaTax:

Entity Browser Enhanced

Entity Browser Enhanced provides some behavior and style enhancements to Entity Browsers, specifically for multi-select and image/media browsers.

All you need to do is create an entity browser view with a grid display, then Select enhancer

Entity Browser Widgets configuration

SimpleSAML Runtime Config: Dynamically adjust metadata

(For overall information on SimpleSAML Runtime Config, see the project page.)

The module generates a JSON file containing the values in private storage. You can then manually
integrate this with your SimpleSAML configuration. The file is located at

Include it into your configuration and run json_decode on it.

Field Permissions


The Field Permissions module allows site admins to set field-base-level permissions to edit or view CCK fields on any fieldable entity.

Jmeter with Drupal

This plan was adapted from other test templates and has the following scenarios:

  • Authenticated browsing
  • Editing a node
  • Federated Login


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