Webform emails to email addresses generated by PHP code ?

I'd like to use the webform module to create a form which is sent to a list of addresses that I've generated based upon some arbitrary PHP code. Out of the box the module seems to allow me to specify either a fixed address list or to relate the addresses to email components within the form.

Anyone done this ?


How to disable Webform form element validation without removing required flag?

I inherited a website which contains a Webform made form to which I was asked to make some modifications.

The form contains two drop-down selection lists, one with predefined options, one who's content is dynamically filled in by making a request to a web-service based on the selected value of the first drop-down list.

Filling the second drop-down list is not the problem, but since it's marked as required this means that the form is also validated and that's where the error pops up: An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator.

Commerce quantity limit

In Commerce Line Items quantity field which is an integer field, user can not enter more than 9999, what should i do to unlimit the field?

Client Quote Block / Feedback block to display in the front

Hi there,

Currently i'm developing a site. Everything works fine on drupal. I have a small issue. I need to have a block in the front page to display client quotes. I want to display what clients says about the company in the front page.


I love to work with this company

-CEO, The company.

How can i do this? Many Thanks in advance.

need one on one help troubleshooting clean-urls

Any takers?

I have read all of the documentation, not once, not twice, not three times but many times- i can't count anymore how many times- and still clean-urls
is not working.

I really need someone with a very clear understanding of httpd configurations to help me.

use drush to upload sites to remote server

how can you use drush to upload sites folder from desktop to remote server ?

also i wonder if now drush developers have implemented aliases this could fix my subdomain
config nightmares affecting ability to create clean-urls?


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