Redirect the anonymous user to '/user' page from user login block on login error

How to redirect the anonymous user from the user login block on the frontpage to the separate '/user' page on login error indicating the error message ?

Most big websites have this kind of functionality like twitter, facebook etc.

How does db_next_id() really work?

I was wondering how db_next_id() really works. This is because we have a scenario where we can't work with a serial id (because we have records with deltas) and we wonder what's the best way to get the next available id.

In the user_save() function we found that the use of db_next_id() could solve that problem but we wonder if that's really save. Here is why:

$edit['uid'] = db_next_id(db_query('SELECT MAX(uid) FROM {users}')->fetchField());

Are there any Shopping Carts for Drupal 7 ?

There doesn't seem to be any carts ready for drupal 7... is drupal 6 the way to go for the time being?

Do upload zipped file or unzip then upload contents?

Hi! I'm a newbie and I'd like to know whether the correct thing to do is to unzip then upload the contents of Drupal7 into a folder in the site file (or is it FTP?). Or do I simply upload the zipped file? Please help!

Flex + Drupal 7

hey guys, I am working on Flex as3 plus drupal 7. I can not find AMFPHP module for drupal 7. Is it deprecated or just not yet developed ? If so, is there better alternatives that would work with Services module and Flex. Maybe xmlrpc ? anyone has examples that don't include AMFPHP module?

Installing other CMS with old site on Acquia Drupal web server installed on mac snow leopard

I have been using Acquia Drupal (v6 + v7) on my new MacPro for a few days and I would like to install my old sites (using php/mysql) as well on the same web server installed by Acquia. How can I do that?
In the root of the web server, I have a folder Drupal-6 (v6) and a folder Drupal-7 (v7) where I installed Drupal 7 and where I do my new development.
If I put the folder of my old site (Test) inside the first folder (Drupal-6), I can access the site via http://localhost:8082/phpinfo.php.


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