Adding a page in Drupal

Hi guys,

I'm a beginner in drupal and I just want to ask a question. How can I make a page in drupal without adding a menu link in the main menu items? Is it possible?

thanks in advance.

User picture deleting from file system after session ends

Hi there,

I've searched and searched for a solution to this but haven't found one. Apologies if this is something simple but it's driving me crazy!

How to write custom php code from the admin block section.

How to write custom php code from the admin block section in drupal 7.

integrating Dojo 1.4+ sites into Drupal 7

Hi all,
I have a heavily Dojo-ed (Dojo Toolkit) webpage that want to turn it into a Drupal module. But drupal does not seem to support Dojo. What's the right way to load dojo into drupal?

1- Does my page work if I simply load dojo .js files inside my module?
2- If not, is there a certain way to load dojo into drupal pages?
3- As jQuery will also be loaded for drupal client-side activities, will there be any conflict between Dojo and jQuery on the client side?
4- Is there any sample drupal module that uses Dojo?


Help: Module's template_preprocess_* not being called

So I have a module that adds a new field type to the database. The field consists of two things, a bonus category which is just the ID of a taxonomy term, and a bonus amount, which is an integer. Everything works fine, but I'd like to change the field entry form to something a little less default. I followed the code given in the poll module, and it seemed to me that I had to do three things:

1. Add (hook)_theme
2. Add template_preprocess_(some_name)
3. Add a template

The trouble I'm having is that template_preprocess is never called, so my template is never used. I suspect that I'm missing something, like how to tell Drupal that my widget is themed. Can you spot what I need? Here's my module info, code, and template:

name = Category Bonus
description = "Creates a custom field for entering and displying project bonus data for categories."
package = Fields
core = 7.x
files[] = category_bonus.module
php = 5.2



* @file
* A category bonus field using the Field API.

* Implements hook_theme().

function category_bonus_theme() {
dpm("category_bonus_theme called");
return array(
'bonus_entry' => array(
'template' => 'bonus-entry',
'render element' => 'form'


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