User profiles and Sharing facilities

I am new in drupal community and new to build drupal application. What i am looking is that is there any built-in module which have user profiles capability like in facebook and share streaming like we have in facebook. what we share (status, files, links, videos) in that is displayed at home stram?

Please reply me asap

drupal 7, AWS and SQLite

Hey All,
I just finished installing D7 on Amazon Web Services and I'm completely baffled. I set up MYSQL just like I normally do and set up permissions accordingly, but when I got to the actual Drupal install the only database system the installer could see was something called SQLite. I let the installation go ahead and everything seems to be fine.
Now my question is; Where did this SQLite come from (I never installed it), where are my datafiles and how do I view the resulting schema, and finally is SQLite a good Db for Drupal?
Any help here would be appreciated

Load Nodes via Javascript/Ajax-JSON


I'm just starting with drupal and I was wondering if someone could help me to see a starting point on the following:

I want to develop a Drupal module to obtain nodes via Javascript to make some sort of ajaxified next, prev buttons, I've been trying to search something but seems that I'm not good choosing the words because all that I can get are references to node.js (I know what that is but I think is too big for this).

[Instruction] Drupal Newbie to Novice(or somewhere close) in 8 months or less

I'm not sure if this is appropriate to post in these forums, and if it is not I apologize.

Short Description
In short, I am looking for someone to be paid for lessons in Drupal and web technologies in general.

Short Proposal
I will be paying for your services if I find someone who is willing and we work out a short or long term protocol. I have expectations, you have expectations, and I want this to go as smooth as possible. I will be paying in advance.

Below is the long description, so if you want to know more, awesome. If not, thanks for looking at my thread :)

Long Description

Undefined index: name in system_requirements() (line 40 of ...system.install

I get the error message "Notice: Undefined index: name in system_requirements() (line 40 of /mypath/modules/system/system.install)." on the Status Report page. I found an issue addressing this, but it seemed to be for an old dev version and about the message reporting, not that it was thrown. Thoughts?

Task nodes (user referenced) for reading chapters/sections of a book

I've built at least 10 websites using Drupal, but have yet to do something this complex. I've been trying to figure this out for a few days and thought I'd post this to see if anyone might be able to share some tips.

Here's what I'm trying to do:

Let users mark task nodes as completed as they read or do activities from sections of books

A task would be a node with:
- node/term references to books/chapters/sections
- user reference to user who the task belongs to
- other fields: a title/description, date to complete, data completed, completed/not, etc.

While there is a global taxonomy of books, chapters, and sections, each user needs their own tasks because they will have unique due dates and be completed at different times.

So the question is, how can I automatically create the task nodes for each user when they select that they want to complete a book?

For example, let's say a user is reading Book A. They select Book A and it automatically creates "Chapter 1: Section 1" and "Chapter 1: Section 2" task nodes (reading or activity). Then, when they mark those tasks as completed, "Chapter 1: Section 3" and "Chapter 1: Section 4" will be created for the user to complete. These task nodes will be created in order based on the taxonomy of book/chapters/sections.


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