steps to add html2book module in drupal 7

How to add html2book module in drupal 7...also where to check this feature in drupal 7..

Have users only authorized to view a specified portion of other user profiles until friended.

I want users to only be able to see a few categories of user profiles until friended. Once the friend request is accepted then they can wee the full profile. How could I do this? Thank you.

Is there any pagination API to use it in custom modules in D7 ?

Is there any pagination API to use it in custom modules?

Problem after failed logins

I hadn't worked on my drupal 7 site for a while, and when I was trying to login as administrator, I entered the wrong password several times. A warning then popped up about "you've entered wrong password more than 5 times" - message said Account is temporarily blocked - try again later or request a new password.

Extracting content from external database

I am new to drupal 7. I learned some of the basic things, but I still don't get what are "views".
I am trying to get data from external database: title of news article and the text content of news article.
I want to show them in drupal site and allow users to comment on them.
Please provide a full procedure on how to do this. I am a complete newbie.

Select an image from the server instead of uploading one


When you create an image field in a Content Type and you insert a new node and you attach an image, you always need to upload one. Is it possible that you have the option to upload one OR you can select an image that you uploaded in a previous node?



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