safeword 7.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

Issue #1793558 by scor: Fixed WSOD when 'Require unique values for this field' is not set.
Issue #2013759 by xatoo: Added Allow the use of the title field as a source.
Improved help text
Removes HTML from machine name more cleanly

openpublic 7.x-1.0-beta19

Warning! Security Changes

OpenPublic Beta 18 disables OpenPublic's normal password policy settings. You need to follow the instructions below to re-install the password features or the new security features.

For more information on this change, see


* Password Policy is now disabled, and OpenPublic Password or OpenPublic Security apps can be installed for advanced security features. See below for instructions on installing one of these apps
* Modules updated for security: CAPTCHA, Entity API, Features, and Webform

Upgrade Instructions

In order to upgrade OpenPublic, do the following:

1. Download the latest release of OpenPublic
2. Unpack it and copy the the profiles directory over your current profiles directory (replace the older files)
3. Run update.php to update the database

sam release as beta18 with minor update for default installation of apps.

Re-Enabling Password Policies

1. After you upgrade your site, login
2. Select "Apps" from the admin shortcut bar
3. Find and then select OpenPublic Password in the app listing (or "Security" if you would like the more advanced features)


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