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Integrates with the dropbox API based upon the flux Services integration.

This is an integration module, so it does not expose any end-user functionality. It integrates Drupal with the dropbox API by integrating with the Rules module. Therefore the module integrates the BenTheDesigner/Dropbox PHP 5.3 SDK for the Dropbox REST API.

Similar projects

The Drobox client module allows users to have a "Send file" page where users can send a file directly to their Dropbox account.



  • The module connects to Dropbox via the BenTheDesigner/Dropbox PHP 5.3 SDK for the Dropbox REST API and provides a clean API for developers to interact with Dropbox.
$account = entity_load_single('fluxservice_account', $id);
$stream = fopen('php://temp', 'rw');
fwrite($stream, 'Keep calm & trust Doc Brown!');
$account->client()->putStream($stream, 'doc_brown.txt');


This project has been initiated and is maintained by drunomics.
The project has been sponsored by netidee - powerful innovations

Project information
