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Security advisories for third-party projects that are not part of Drupal core - this includes all modules, themes, and installation profiles that have been contributed by community members.

Link - Moderately critical - Cross site scripting - SA-CONTRIB-2022-034


This module enables you to add URL fields to entity types with a variety of options.

The module doesn't sufficiently filter output when token processing is disabled on an individual field.

This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that an attacker must have a role with the permission to create content and the token processing option must be disabled.

Rename Admin Paths - Moderately critical - Access bypass - SA-CONTRIB-2022-033


The Rename Admin Path module provides additional security to Drupal sites by renaming the admin paths. The module has a vulnerability with allows attackers to bypass the protection by using specially crafted URLs.

The risk is mitigated by the fact that, even though the attacker can bypass the protection offered by this module, all regular permissions still apply.

Anti-Spam by CleanTalk - Moderately critical - SQL Injection - SA-CONTRIB-2022-032


This module provides integration with the CleanTalk spam protection service.

The module does not properly filter data in certain circumstances.

Update: 2022-03-31 - fix release node links

Role Delegation - Moderately critical - Privilege escalation - SA-CONTRIB-2022-031


This module allows site administrators to grant specific roles the authority to assign selected roles to users, without them needing the administer permissions permission.

The module contains an access bypass vulnerability when used in combination with the Views Bulk Operations module. An authenticated user is able to assign the administrator role to his own user.

This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that an attacker must have access to an overview of users with the views bulk operations module enabled. E.g. The admin_views module provides such a view.

Colorbox Node - Critical - Unsupported - SA-CONTRIB-2022-030


The security team is marking this project unsupported. There is a known security issue with the project that has not been fixed by the maintainer. If you would like to maintain this project, please read:

This module was unsupported on 2022-01-26, however, the SA was missed in publishing them at that time.

Opigno Learning path - Moderately critical - Access bypass - SA-CONTRIB-2022-029


This module is used as part of the Opigno LMS distribution and implements learning paths for the LMS.

The module was providing too much user information about users such as the list of groups a uid is in.

SVG Formatter - Critical - Cross Site Scripting - SA-CONTRIB-2022-028


SVG Formatter module provides support for using SVG images on your website.

Our dependency library enshrined/svg-sanitize has a cross-site scripting vulnerability.

This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that an attacker must have a role with permission that enables them to upload SVG images.

GOV.UK Theme - Moderately critical - Cross site scripting - SA-CONTRIB-2022-027


The GOV.UK Theme (govuk_theme) is a Drupal theme for the GOV.UK Design System.

The theme doesn't sanitize user input in certain cases, which leads to Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. An attacker that can create or edit certain entities or configuration may be able to exploit one or more Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities to target visitors of the site, including site admins with privileged access.

The vulnerability is mitigated by the facts, that:

Entity Reference Tree Widget - Moderately critical - Cross Site Scripting - SA-CONTRIB-2022-026


This module provides an entity relationship hierarchy tree widget for an entity reference field.

The module doesn't sufficiently filter on output, leading to a Cross Site Scripting vulnerability.

This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that an attacker must have a role with the permission to modify an entity that is the reference to a field.

Quick Edit - Moderately critical - Information Disclosure - SA-CONTRIB-2022-025


This advisory addresses a similar issue to Drupal core - Moderately critical - Information disclosure - SA-CORE-2022-004.

The Quick Edit module does not properly check entity access in some circumstances. This could result in users with the "access in-place editing" permission viewing some content they are are not authorized to access.


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