Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


There are Submodules in this module:


Youtube Demo

  1. you can set up a field where a livestream is rendered.
  2. There appears a publish button on the node page.
  3. This add rendered nodes to the livestream field in REALTIME without refresh (saved nodes are pushed to socket and to client).
  4. previously pushed nodes are prefetched if you add the correct amount in the livestream field. (Prefetch amount)

HTML5 Desktop notifications

Demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7CWb_gN1W0
Show HTML5 desktop notifications on socket events.
It is configurable which role receives messages from which channel.
So you can notify the administrators realtime on current triggers:

  1. curl/cron/function_call/rules/trigger/ ...


Requestador server on github

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Project information