Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Node View Access is a simple content access module that covers the lacks of "view permission" for node types in Drupal 7 and 8 core.
This module simply enables permissions "View own content" and "View any content" for each content type on permissions page.

Similar Modules (7.x)

List of modules in D7 that might provide similar functionality

Node view permission - same features, but uses a different mechanism for granting permissions(partially bypasses the node access grants system, and uses hook_node_access()/hook_node_access_records() fallback and hook_query_alter() to prevent users without proper permissions from viewing nodes.)

Nodetype access - same features, but uses a different mechanism for granting permissions (completely bypasses the node access grants system, and instead uses hook_node_access() and hook_query_alter() to prevent users without proper permissions from viewing nodes.)

Similar Modules (8.x)

List of modules in D8 that might provide similar functionality

I have not found anyone (possible?)

Project information