Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This project is an extension for the Recipe module.
It aims to provide additional functionality that Recipe module lacks.
Currently it allows to create a complex Recipe, or a Meta Recipe, which is simply an ordered collection of sub-recipes. Therefore it should be easy to write a recipe which consists of several recipes. For example, preparing profiteroles requires the preparation of the dough, the cream, and optionally (but very desirable!) the chocolate glaze. In this case, you would simply create these three separate recipes, mark them as published or unpublished, and then add them into a single meta recipe. The appearance or theming of this meta recipe on the other hand, should be also very flexible. It should allow viewing the sub-recipes in a sequence like on this example, or as the Recipe module allows aggregating all the ingredients into one ingredients block. Additionally other features are planned, like adding side-tips and more.

The live demo is still runs on Ruby on Rails, but shortly it will be running on D7.

Additionally I will provide a DB conversion tool for the recipes in MySQL into the Meta Recipe.

Project information

  • caution Seeking co-maintainer(s)
    Maintainers are looking for help reviewing issues.
  • Created by valk on , updated