Feeds Tamper Conditional Field Find and Replace

Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Provides a custom Feeds Tamper plugin that allows a user to identify a conditional field by field ID, search for matching text in the conditional field, and if matched, perform a find and replace on the current field.

An RSS feed importer maps post authors to a text field. Two feeds contain posts by two different authors both named Joe Thomas. The user wishes to rewrite the name of one of those two authors to Joseph Thomas to distinguish between them. Using this module, the user could identify the feed containing Joseph Thomas's posts, using something like the beginning string of the URL or GUID field values, and then only change the instances of Joe Thomas that come from that feed, leaving the other Joe Thomas's name unchanged.

Currently, the plugin only matches the beginning of the conditional field's value, not the complete value or a contained string anywhere other than the beginning of the value. Additionally, the plugin only matches exact full-field strings in the current field. These limitations were due to the immediate needs for which this module was written, but additional matching operations may be added later.

An Invert option is provided for the current field, allowing users to find and replace only those field values that DON'T match the search string for the current field. No Invert option is included for the conditional field, but one may be added later.

Feeds Tamper
Job Scheduler

Feeds Debug Tamper

Project information

  • Created by tomboone on , updated