Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Adds a payment method for Braintree JS, which will pull the Braintree client-side encryption library into the checkout process and encrypt card data on the client side before sending it to Braintree with the S2S method.

This will alleviate a lot of your PCI responsibilities.


  1. Download and install Commerce Braintree
  2. Create a new directory in /sites/[all|whatever]/modules/commerce_braintree called "modules" (e.g. /sites/all/modules/commerce_braintree/modules)
  3. Place the commerce_braintree_js module into this new directory, so it lives at /sites/[all|whatever]/modules/commerce_braintree/modules/braintree_js/commerce_braintree_js.module
  4. Sign up for a Braintree account
  5. Enter your Merchant ID, Merchant Account ID, Public/Private keys and Client-side encryption key into your Payment method configuration.

Project information

  • caution Seeking co-maintainer(s)
    Maintainers are looking for help reviewing issues.
  • Module categories: E-commerce
  • Created by tmsimont on , updated