Themy based on Paxton

Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Simple Drupal 8 theme without JS, fine cascade menu on CSS. Adaptive, based on bootstrap.css.
Created from Paxton with reducing unnecessary stuff: js, slider, twig templates.

Linux Quick Theme Renaming

Use these bash commands to rename files and replace text in theme files with your new name:

find . -name '*themy*' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0/themy/mynewthemename}"'

grep 'themy' -P -R -I -l * | xargs sed -i 's/themy/mynewthemename/g'

Themy's features:

  • Two sidebars,
  • No JavaScript, no unnecessary css, less weight,
  • Regions on top: Primary menu, Banner, Highlighted, Breadcrumbs, Help,
  • Footer regions: Content bottom, three footer regions, Footer Menu,
  • Fast working on PC and mobile,
  • High Google PageSpeed Insights.
themy-8.x-0.1.zip88.29 KB

Project information

  • Created by tlito on , updated