Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This is a module implementing RSA encryption of data on the client side.
It's currently storing the public key and the cipher text on the front end.
I'm working on storing ciphertext and keys on the backend.
Here are a few screenshots from the current status:
/cse/store trying to encrypt without generating key

/cse/gen generates and locally stores the keys:

/cse/gen again says that the keys are already generated:

/cse/store encrypts data

Successfully encrypted!

/cse/view Deciphers and displays data

/cse/empty empties the keys locally.

Trying to decrypt without keys:

Supporting organizations: 
KeyGen153.72 KB
keygen_23.29 KB
empty8.32 KB
encrypt without key20.23 KB
encrypt24.5 KB
encrypt225.94 KB
decipher12.39 KB
nokeydecrypt10.69 KB

Project information

  • Module categories: Security
  • Created by tameeshb on , updated