Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This is Just a quick and easy Boiler plate for using angularjs in a drupal block

all you need to do is install the module, place the block on your site and start angular-ing !

This is a module to place in your /modules/custom folder and edit however you want aka "Boiler plate"

Note Angular Modal vars by default use the same syntax as twig aka {{varName}} as such you need to change this in the block config
for this module Boiler plate I am using "~~"

see https://groups.drupal.org/node/511061 for more info on this issue.

Key Files to edit (after you placed your block)


Note: probably best to turn off caching so don't have to `drush cr` all the time.

Save you a click ...
git clone --branch 8.x-1.x taggartj@git.drupal.org:sandbox/taggartj/2928776.git

Supporting organizations: 
Sponsor Development

Project information