Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module provides vbo operations to convert old profile fields to profile2 d7 fields. It convert all $user->profile_foo field to $field[field_profile_foo] item, if the field profile_foo exists in a profile2 type. This makes various fixes and notices, if something is wrong during the conversation. Also able to make a "quick test", which doesn't save the new profiles, but fill the watchdog, if something is wrong.

The following field types are tested and working: text, list, list_boolean, date, taxonomy.

If a taxonomy term doesn't exists, this module create that too.

The old profile field type date should be convert to field type date provided by Date module.

Before saving data you can modify the storable value to implement MODULE_d6_profile_to_field_migrate_process_alter(&$data, $context). The $context contains the user object, the field definition array, and the original value of the old profile field.

Project information