Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

After discussing with @dlobo in #civicrm Drupal channel, I start completely rewrite the civicrm Drupal bridge (the Drupal modules in civicrm)

The goals are:

  1. Write more "drupalist" code.
  2. Using the drupal.org issue queue for faster bugfixing.
  3. Split functionality when we are in civicrm section (http://example.com/civicrm/*) or in normal drupal pages.
  4. The civicrm is really great, but I understand Drupal developers, why they doesn't like it. I want to create drupallike civicrm by using civi_api.
  5. Remove dependency of sites/all/modules directory, first try to put into sites/all/libraries, then using libraries api.
  6. Write drupal tests


  1. Download the civicrm from CiviCRM home page to sites/all/modules directory.
  2. Delete the drupal directory from sites/all/modules/civicrm
  3. Download this module as a usual drupal module, and enable it.
  4. Install CiviCRM.


All of this project is completely a plan. Let see, how is this work. There should be some licencing problem, but as I plan, the original code will be full rewritten.

If you have some idea, or you want work in this as co-maintainer, feel free to use our drupal issue queue. :)

Project information