Responsive Blocks is a solution for Responsive Designing.
Device specific ( Resolution Specific ), content or Display of conditional content can be managed using this module
e.g. - A block of content need to be displayed only on IPAD ( ipad resolution).


The Responsive Block module is very similar to other Drupal modules. For installation of the Responsive Block module please follow the below mentioned steps:


There is no configuration for this module.


Responsive Block module is originally written & maintained by Swapnil Sarvankar

Other Project

Modules available in the community that provide similar functionality :
1. Mobile Detect
Mobile Detect module is built on top on mobile Detect - PHP Library

2. Context Mobile Detect
This is a Context module which integrates Context and PHP Mobile Detect library Mobile_Detect.

3. Browscap
Browscap provides an improved version of PHP's get_browser() function .

Whats Different in this module :

- This module is built using Javascript Library (Media Check)
Hence, All Clientside (Javascript) ; No server callback to detect device.
- Media check library works based on break points

Project information
