Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Only local images are allowed.CONTENTS OF THIS FILE

* Introduction
* Requirements
* Installation
* Permissions
* Usage


Crude Oil Block is a lightweight module which allows administrators to create
blocks which display Crude oil price like
* Wti Oil Price,
* Brent Crude Price and
* Natural Gas Price .


Crude Oil Block requires below two modules.

Drupal core modules
* Block

Drupal contributed modules
* Jquery Colorpicker


Install as usual, see https://drupal.org/documentation/install/modules-themes/modules-7 for further information.


The ability to create, edit and delete Crude Oil blocks relies on the block
module's "Administer blocks" permission.


Place the entirety of this directory in sites/all/modules/crudeoil_block
You must also install the Jquery Colorpicker module (https://www.drupal.org/project/jquery_colorpicker) to use Crude Oil Block.

STEP 1: Navigate to administer >> Structure >> modules. Enable ‘Crude Oil Block’ and ‘JQuery Colorpicker’.
STEP 2: Then Go to Navigate to administer >> Structure >> blocks.
STEP 3: Then, we will find the "Add Crude Oil block" link. Click the “Add Crude Oil block” to create the crude oil blocks.
STEP 4: Finally, assign that block to any regions you like.

Project information

  • Created by suresh.sphp on , updated