Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

So we use google's email/apps hosting for cloud email and docs and have multiple Drupal instances all of which need to have users managed. This module allows you to authenticate users via OpenID using their gmail/google apps login and let Google manage the user's passwords with a single login to the Google Mail client.

It does this by adding a simple "sign in with your google apps account" to the top of the standard Drupal login form.

The D7 version has an optional parameter. If you set "google_openid_admin_promote_domain" users with verified emails from that domain will be automatically promoted to administrator.

drush vset google_openid_admin_promote_domain "drupal.org"

This commaind will cause any users with a verified email address user@drupal.org will be promoted to administrator level access.

Project information

  • Created by stovak on , updated