Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Turning pressflow into fastflow by adding configuration the CDN module for "parallelizing requests across hostnames", the cookie domain will appear as editable as well, with a suggested domain based on the CDN rules to not serve any static resources from as the "cookie domain".

Eventually I'd like to add install wizard support for a bunch of SEO modules, the module that runs all those web accessibility tests, and s default mobil domain setup & configured theme. I'll figure it all out eventually I'm sure, having "FastFlow,Mobile,Accessibility,SEO" distribution.

Last step will be to make: QuickerStart, an optimized version of quickstart, of course. Once all of the "CDN enable & configure form", "cookie domain checker/changer" & "expires headers per type configuration form" & "mobile detection & Mobile theme selection & configuration form" All on the install wizard!! Orr, drush a make or module file(in quickstarts case). Yes, indeed...

Project information

  • Created by stevethewebguy on , updated