Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


Commerce Product Popup allows for a customisable product popup that will appear when viewing the cart and pushing the continue to checkout button. An image can be selected, along with SKU and the quantity to be added to the cart, as well as a YES and NO dialog that can be customised to show the desired messages.


Drupal Commerce must be installed and enabled for the module to work.


It is hoped eventually the module can use a sort of plug in style approach to the dialog types, hooks would probably work best, but at the moment it's simply set up as a function.
Currently the pop up always shows, unless the item is in the cart, when clicking to go from cart to checkout (although there is an option to disable the pop up in the settings). It might be best to offer a checkbox at some point to allow the admin to only display it once per session or something.

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