Example page with overridden text links
Example nodequeue edit page
Example 'Manage Display'

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Queue Pager enables you to add previous and next links to nodes (or other entities) that are part of a nodequeue or entityqueue, which will allow you to navigate through the queue from page to page. Queue Pager can be enabled per queue, and the presentation of the pager links can be managed from every view mode of entity types that are available to that queue.

Use this module if you want to be able to navigate sequentially between a pre-defined queue of entities.


This module requires either the nodequeue or entityqueue module:


Once the module has been enabled, in order to turn on the queue pager for specific queues, go to either the nodequeue or entityqueue's configuration page and check 'Enable queue pager for this nodequeue/entityqueue.'

After that you may override the position and link text for the queues on the 'Manage Display' pages for all entity types that are valid types for that queue.

Note that queue pager currently only works for simple queues (ie queues with only one subqueue).


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