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With this module you can lock fields in a webform so that those fields cannot be deleted or modified except by administrators with appropriate permissions. It was written to work in tandem with the Webform Default Fields module but is not dependent upon it. The idea is that if you create default fields for a webform, you may want to ensure consistency by preventing webform creators from modifying some or all of the default fields.

Users who have the "administer webform locked fields" permission will see a checkbox titled "Webform creator can modify" when they edit a webform component. If that box is unchecked, the component can only be modified or deleted by users who have the the "administer webform locked fields" permission. Other users who have webform creation permission will be taken to a page that says "Not allowed" if they attempt to edit or delete that component.

If the Webform Default Fields module is enabled, new webforms will inherit the locked/unlocked status of their default fields.


This module totally depends on the Webform module.

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