Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Commerce Discount Usage Statistics Module provides a usage statistics Field and Filter for Views.

The Field can be added to a Commerce Discount Entity to show the number of times a discount has been used.

Click FIELDS:. Select the `Commerce Discount: Discount Usage stat` field and Add it to your view.

The Filter can be added to a Commerce Discount Entity to filter your view by the number of times a Discount has been used.

Click FILTER CRITERIA:. Select the `Commerce Discount: Discount Usage stat` field and Apply to your display.

You might want to check the Exposed option in order to see and modify the filter on the view.

Check the Expose operator option to choose an Operator (< | <= | = | != | > | >= | ) to use with the Filter.

Requires the commerce_discount_usage module.

Just enable the commerce_discount_usage_stat module.

Project information