Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module allows you to import and export translations (.po) files in a bulk mode.

Drupal by default allows users to import and export translations individually (one language -> one group of translations).
If you manage a multilingual site with different groups of the translation process can be long and tedious. With this module, the import and export, including the use of drush, is fast and suitable.


  • Drupal 7.x
  • Locale module
  • PHP >= 5.2

How to use it

  • Download and enable the module
  • Go to admin/config/regional/translate/locale-bulk

You can also use drush to import translations, for help execute:
drush help lbulk

How it works

With one click you can download an archive that contains po files for every translation group (default-interface, taxonomy, block etc) and then you can upload it to import strings.
You can also import translation from a directory.

This module works with a name convection: every file has a structure en_taxonomy, where "en" is the language code and "taxonomy" is the name of a translation group. Only files that respect this convention will be imported.

It adds also a drush command to import translations from a directory.

Project information