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This module provides a block with the text "Was this article helpful? Yes | No". If a user clicks yes, a +1 is recorded. If the user clicks no, a -1 is recorded, and clicking either yes or no will give the user some feedback text via AJAX.

I found a need for something simple like this, but I only found conversations that ended in "it's pretty simple, just create it yourself." Well, this aims to appeal to those that are just looking for a simple thumbs up or thumbs down on the helpfulness of a node.


  • In the future, a views integration will allow for reporting. Until that's ready, a simple MySQL command can compile the votes. More details are available in README.txt.
  • Feedback: The Feedback module provides a form to submit messages, while the Simple Feedback module has simple yes or no functionality as a rating system.
  • Rate: The Rate module is complex with thousands of lines of code and several configuration screens. The user is required to set up a "rate widget" first. The Simple Feedback module has under 300 lines of code and is plug-and-play without complex configuration screens or dependencies (Rate requires VotingAPI). The purpose of Simple Feedback is to be lightweight and extremely easy to setup.

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