User Reopen demo screen
User reopen demo screen for banned user

Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Drupal 7 allows users to cancel their own account but there is no corresponding functionality to let users reopen their account. On very large sites, this functionality could be desirable to allow users to rejoin a site after taking a voluntary leave without having to register under a new email, etc. However, this shouldn't allow users that have been outright banned by the site administrators from reopening their account.

This module addresses these issues by adding a new field to the user profile form that lets admin users permanently 'ban' a user. On the user side, this module interacts with the existing password reset form and account login to guide users who are trying to reopen their own account.

Note: There are a number of options for how to deal with a user's content after they have decided to cancel their own account. This module only affects the status field of the user's existing account and will not have any affect on the status of any content they generated.

This module borrows heavily from user.module.

This project was sponsored by NumbersUSA.

Project information

  • Created by schnippy on , updated