Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This project is merged with Gcal


This module allows you to manage your google calendars. Apis provided by module will allow you to create, update, delete, fetch calendar details. You can also create, update, delete, get, move an event from particular calendar. You can fetch calendar settings, color details, etc.

This module uses google api php client refer http://code.google.com/p/google-api-php-client/ to interact with google and manage calendars

Google OAuth2 - Required for authenticating with google.

Api Functions

Create Calendar

$params = array(
    'Summary' => 'My Calendar',  //Title of the calendar
google_calendar_calendar_create($params, 'Calendar_Account');   //Calendar_Account is the name of the oauth2 account managed with the help of Google OAuth2.

Create Event

$params = array(
    'Summary' => 'My Event',  //Title of the event
    'Start' => '2012-12-24 12:30:00',
    'End' => '2012-12-24 14:30:00',
    'Timezone' => 'Asia/Calcutta'
google_calendar_event_create($params, 'Calendar_Account');   //Calendar_Account is the name of the oauth2 account managed with the help of Google OAuth2.

For more details and other functions refer EXAMPLE.txt in the module folder

1 Create, update, delete, get secondary Calendars.
2 Fetch single Calendar setting and list of settings
3 Fetch Color settings
4 Create, update, delete, get, move Events.
5 Create, delete, get Acl
6 Create, update, delete, get CalendarList.
7 FreeBusy checking with events, quickAdd for events Current release includes
8 Bug fix of known bugs.

Known issues:
1. Google Calendar List insert throws error. Issue registered at https://code.google.com/p/google-api-php-client/issues/detail?id=258&sta...

Project information