Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This is an add-on module for the Message module.

By default message API is aimed at developers and if you are generating messages in code you don't want to give admins access to edit message types because the arguments need to match what is in the code, etc.

This module allows developers to specify any text fields of a message type (on the message type edit screen, not the message type manage fields screen) as editable.

Then users with the appropriate permissions have access to a separate admin area where they can edit these 'editable' fields. They may use the arguments set up by the developer but cannot change the arguments.

This means if you have messages that admins would like to be able to edit, you don't have to give them permission to administer message types and potentially break things.

Project information

  • Created by rooby on , updated