Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

The purpose of this module is to show a help box popup after a given time on dedicated page(s) of a site.

After installing a new block will be available. In block administration the regular block adjustments for visibility can be made.

Through an administration interface the following variables can be set:

* Delay time in seconds (defines the time after which the block will be visible on a page)
* Some text
* Contact partner
* Phone number

Multilanguage is supported. By this different contact partners and phone
numbers may be supplied depending on the language.

The module comes with an own css file, so it can be nicely themed as wished.



Project information

  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Module categories: Content Display
  • Created by redorbit on , updated