Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module creates a system block that displays the current moon phase.


Very accurate calculations
Now has live updating data fields
Display current moon visibility percentage
Display image showing current moon phase
Set default time zone in block configuration
Easily themeable block.tpl.php

This module is based on the PHP moonphase functions found here:


There are two functions I have integrated. One that displays the current phase of the moon with images to roughly show what it looks like along with displaying the % visible, and a "moon phase hunt" that shows the most recent new moon to new moon dates.

You can add a wrapper class to the block in the block configuration page. You can tweak the moonphase_block.tpl.php template file to your liking.

I plan to expand it more.


Moonphase 7.x-1.2beta417.68 KB

Project information

  • Created by rankinstudio on , updated