Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module makes it easier to send emails with Newsletter2Go's REST API.


  • Mail System (mailsystem)
  • Libraries API (libraries)

Note: For now this module always assumes body is formatted HTML, and sends the
'html' parameter (instead of 'text' parameter). This way
Newsletter2Go can handle transforming the HTML into plaintext.


Download the Newsletter2Go PHP class into sites/all/libraries/newsletter2go.

Set the Newsletter2Go API key in settings.php or with variable_set().

    $conf['newsletter2go_key'] = 'wwwwxxxxyyyyzzzzaaabbbbccccdddd';

Other available variables:

API language namespaces the REST requests. Default is German, 'de'.

      $conf['newsletter2go_api_lang'] = 'de';

Debug prevents Newsletter2Go from sending and turns logging to tmp directory
on and off. Defaults to FALSE.

      $conf['newsletter2go_debug'] = FALSE;

If you want Newsletter2GoMailSystem as the site-wide default for sending mail
there are two options.

  1. Change mailsystem config at admin/config/system/mailsystem
  2. mailsystem_set(array(mailsystem_default_id() => 'Newsletter2GoMailSystem'));


For a NON-PRODUCTION working example see the code in newsletter2go_example.

Excerpt from newsletter2go_example:

  // Set optional Newsletter2Go params.
  $params = array(
    // newsletter_id can be used for tracking in reports.
    'newsletter_id' => NULL,

    // Enables debug mode
    // No emails sent, but API requests logged to sys_get_temp_dir().
    'debug'         => 0,

    // Send date is a UNIX timestamp.
    // Negative or empty will send the email right away.
    // Otherwise will be queued for sending up to a year.
    'send_date'     => -1,

    // If ref is left unset a unique hash will be generated.
    'ref'           => "test_newsletter2go_message",

    // Reply-to can be set here.
    'reply'         => $email_address,

    // En/dis-ables link tracking
    'linktracking'  => 0,

    // En/dis-ables open tracking
    'opentracking'  => 0,

Project information