Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Alternative implemention of field_sql_storage core module:

  • Uses CRC32 computed integers instead of varchar indexes in all field data tables, which provides a significant performance boost for index operations (join, insert and update operations).
  • Maintain an arbitrary CRC32 index table, in case of conflicts some CRC32 can be changed. Conflicts are unlikely to happen because all identifiers are small enough to avoid that, but for consistency we need a backup plan.
  • Slightly modified schema of data table, with less indexes and columns. This reduces drastically storage space taken by those tables, and ensure smaller indexes into memory.
  • Removed useless revision table, thus avoiding systematic double insert, double delete and double update operations.
  • EFQ compatible.

Warning: Core does not ship any generic/normalized test suite for the EntityFieldQuery, and documentation is pretty much random and very poor; A new version will be commited soon with working (AFAIK) EFQ support, but due to the lack of testing, you will need to be extra cautious when using it.

Project information