Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This is a simple add-on for the context module which includes a new context reaction option called "Hide a Field(s)". If selected it will proceed to hide a selected node field (or multiple fields) when viewing a full node.

Example Use Case:
This module can be helpful if you rely on Drupal's Features module for setting up content types and managing field displays. In order to change the way certain fields display you would need to override or update the Feature. In many cases this is fine, however, in the case where you are leveraging Drupal's multisite functionality, overriding the feature at the code level will apply to all sites by default, and overriding the feature at the individual site level will ignore any updates on the code level moving forward. This module allows different sites to hide certain fields when viewing a node (through context), without having to make a global change, or override the feature.

context_hide_field.png107.68 KB

Project information

  • Created by robdubparker on , updated